The LAMIA Seminar consists of the presentation of research work in mathematics, computer science and / or their applications, by LAMIA members, but also visiting researchers and scientific personalities carrying out work in the fields of interest of the laboratory. It is held at least twice a month, generally on Thursday at 2 p.m., in room B325 of the research building at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences. It is run by its manager Séverine ANDOUZE-BERNARD.

  • Carole LOUIS-ROSE (LAMIA) 04/05/2023

    Interior approximate controllability of a fractional parabolic-elliptic coupled system.

  • Jean-Raphaël GROS-DESORMEAUX (CNRS) 09/03/2023

    Mathematics and geography: a map-based relationship.

  • Philippe WINNICKI (INSEE) 19/01/2023

    Guadeloupe in a few figures: Population, Labor market (employment, unemployment, job seekers), Inflation, Growth and GDP.

  • Christopher FRAGNEAU (LAMIA) 12/01/2023

    On misspecification estimation in monotone single-index models

  • John-Fritz THONY (LAMIA) 15/12/2022

    An extension of the fractional Black-Scholes model.

  • Eddie SAINTE-ROSE (LAMIA) 08/12/2022

    Statistical analysis of teleconsultations in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic.

  • Michaël SOLIMAN (Étudiant Master Info accompagné de Sébastien RÉGIS (LAMIA)) 08/12/2022

    Simulation of COVID-19 in a Caribbean island through a multi-agent model.

  • Romario FOKO TIOMELA (LAMIA) 01/12/2022

    Optimal (w,c)-Asymptotically Periodic Mild Solutions to some Fractional Evolution Equations.

  • James LARROUY (LAMIA) 24/12/2022

    An introduction to the Set Order Topology and its application to well-posedness in Set Optimization. The Portfolio Investment Problem : an example of practicability

  • Maryse MOUTAMAL (LAMIA) 17/11/2022

    No-regret control of parabolic space-time fractional Sturm-Liouville problems in a star graph.