The LAMIA Seminar consists of the presentation of research work in mathematics, computer science and / or their applications, by LAMIA members, but also visiting researchers and scientific personalities carrying out work in the fields of interest of the laboratory. It is held at least twice a month, generally on Thursday at 2 p.m., in room B325 of the research building at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences. It is run by its manager Séverine ANDOUZE-BERNARD.

  • Didier HENRY (LAMIA) 28/04/2022

    Predictive models for early detection of Twitter hoaxes

  • Léa BATTEUX (LAMIA) 07/04/2022

    Anti-diffusive scheme for the transport of step functions

  • Stéphane CHOLET 28/05/2020

    Approaches for the reliability of facial coordinates in 3D.

  • Laurent Di Menza 18/06/2020

    Soliton calculation: from nonlinear optics to gravitational models.

  • Léa BATTEUX (LAMIA) 05/03/2020

    Approximation des équations de Navier-Stokes pour un écoulement incompressible non homogène par le schéma MAC.

  • Vladimir VELIOV (Technical University of Vienna, Austria) 20/02/2020

    Model predictive control and regularity of mappings.

  • Cécile MARTIN (LAMIA) 30/01/2020

    Humanités numériques. Culturomique, archéologie des médias, objets communiquants quelques exemples de collaborations transdisciplinaires Informatique / Sciences humaines.

  • Carole LOUIS-ROSE (LAMIA) 16/01/2020

    Contrôlabilité à zéro de systèmes paraboliques-elliptiques gouvernés par le Laplacien fractionnaire en dimension 1.

  • Daniel KATZ (State University California) 19/12/2019

    Differential spectra of power permutations.

  • Evans GOUNO (Université de Bretagne-Sud) 12/12/2019

    Statistical inference for self-exciting point process with applications.