Nouveaux défis pour l\'évaluation visuo-structurelle des gestes graphomoteurs et de l\'écriture à l\'école.
Judging of the legibility or illegibility of handwriting and seems simple for Human beings but analyzing reasons of legibility’s degree that can be achieved seems also fundamental for teachers when accompanying learning people. Assisted methods for such legibility analysis and could support teachers when they must deal with many handwritten productions or when they have to identify the reasons why some students have difficulties with handwriting. For this purpose, we are investigating both some visuo-structural features and methods from structural pattern recognition. First, we built a dataset of cursive words and sentences that includes productions handwritten by children of kindergarten up to middle school aged from 3 to 11 years. Next, on one side, we started a crowdsourcing experience to collect and study relations between human visuo-structural evaluations of such productions. On the other side, we are investigating the potential of graph-based methods to assess the legibility of handwriting. Our first results will be provided and discussed with you. Because, Dear colleagues, we hope you can help us on some challenges that relate to this question.