The LAMIA Seminar consists of the presentation of research work in mathematics, computer science and / or their applications, by LAMIA members, but also visiting researchers and scientific personalities carrying out work in the fields of interest of the laboratory. It is held at least twice a month, generally on Thursday at 2 p.m., in room B325 of the research building at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences. It is run by its manager Séverine ANDOUZE-BERNARD.

  • Michel GEOFFROY (LAMIA) 08/01/2015

    Optimisation multivoque et sciences sociales.

  • Réjean PLAMONDON (Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal) 18/12/2014

    The quest for lognormality in a curved Gaussian space-time an on-line onwriting generation journey.

  • Mickael GAYDU (LAMIA) 11/12/2014

    A Newton iteration for differentiable set-valued maps.

  • Peter MINEV (Univ. d'Alberta - Canada) 27/11/2014

    High-order artificial compressibility for Navier -Stokes equations.

  • Lionel PREVOST (LAMIA) 13/11/2014

    Interface homme-machine pour l'apprentissage humain utiliser les TIC pour améliorer l'intéraction enseignant-apprenant.

  • Jacques LAMINIE (LAMIA) 30/10/2014

    Un problème d'adsorption.

  • Séverine BERNARD-ANDOUZE (LAMIA) 16/10/2014

    Une approche via la théorie du contrôle optimal de la e-rumeur.

  • Javier ARROYO (University Complutense of Madrid) 05/06/2014

    Distributional data introduction and forecasting method.

  • Mathias PEROUMALNAIK () 26/05/2014

    Recherche en informatique et génie logiciel enjeux et solutions.

  • Mathias PEROUMALNAIK 24/05/2014

    Recherche en informatique et génie logiciel enjeux et solutions.